When did it become cool to hate everything? We created this website because we've noticed a lot of negativity in the world as of late. We wanted to make a site that encourages people to like stuff - all kinds of stuff. We think it's really cool when people aren't ashamed to be who they are and like what they like. Everyone likes pizza, even though pizza has many different toppings to choose from. So we'd like to think Thought Pizza is kind of like the internet equivalent to actual pizza - there's something for everyone!
Feel free to browse around the different categories and tags (general categories are located on the top of the page, and the long list of tags are located at the bottom). We also have forums, a book club, a podcast, and many other features (or toppings) to choose from.
This site was created by four friends from Michigan. (a.k.a. Founding Fathers (a.k.a. Head Nachos (a.k.a. Editors-In-Chief))):

Annie is a freelance writer and small business owner who enjoys all things creative. She is rarely found without a pair of knitting needles in hand, and she pretty much lives off of chips and guacamole. She collects tea sets and spends too much time browsing the internet finding cool stuff. Annie is the Creative, Games & Sports, and Kitchen Sink editor.
Follow @anniehp

Whitney studied English Literature in college and is now pursuing a Master’s of Library and Information Science. Needless to say, she likes books. Whitney also has an affinity for art, film, and awful television, and enjoys living vicariously through the subjects of these mediums. She has three dogs and can open doors with her foot. Whitney is the Bookshelf, World News, and Entertainment editor.
Follow @whitneymj
Jordan has a degree in marketing, a minor in psychology, and plans to get a master's in fashion merchandising. She is somewhat computer illiterate (but learning). You can often find her reading and coffee drinking. One of her absolute favorite things to do is go to midnight move releases in costume. Jordan is the Style and IRL editor.
Follow @iJordyMarie
Katelyn is an avid tech blogger offering tips and reviews on products and services that will put a futuristic twist to your life while helping or organize and simplify your daily activities. Besides gadgets and technology, she loves puppies, documentaries, hockey, and shopping. She's an employed Social Media Specialist while working on her graduate studies in New Media Communications. Previously she earned a Bachelor's degree in Advertising and Public Relations. Katelyn is the Technology and Real World editor.
Follow @katelynshelby
We also have a lot of really cool contributors:
@lindsaybeavs: My name is Lindsay and I’m studying Journalism at Oakland University. I like chocolate, french fries, baseball, and sitting on my computer. I‘m shamelessly addicted to reality competition shows (American Idol and SYTYCD) and I plan on having my own talk show one day.